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How to Shut Off Water and Locate Shutoff Valves in Portland, Maine Homes

Every Portland, ME homeowner should know where to find the main water shut off valve and individual fixture shutoffs throughout their home. During plumbing emergencies like burst pipes, supply line leaks, or major repairs, shutting off the water supply quickly can mean the difference between minor and catastrophic water damage.

Don't wait until you frantically need this knowledge during stressful situations. The pros at Woodville Plumbing and Heating recommend locating your home's emergency water shutoff points now so you're prepared to act fast.

Main Water Shutoff Valve

There is one main water shutoff valve that controls the entire water supply entering your Portland home. It's usually located along the front exterior wall near the main water line as it comes into the home from the street/municipal connection.

The main shutoff valve may be inside, often in the basement, crawlspace or utility room. Look for a red or green capped lever or valve along the main horizontal supply pipe.

To shut off the main water supply, rotate the valve clockwise all the way until it is perpendicular to the pipe and won't turn further. This cuts off flow of water from the municipal line into your home.

Under-Sink Fixture Shutoffs

Most sinks have individual supply line shut off valves located directly beneath them to isolate water just to that fixture. There are typically separate shutoffs for the hot and cold supply lines. They'll be small valves near where the supply lines connect to the fixture. Turn them clockwise fully to shut off flow.

Toilet Shutoffs

The supply line to each toilet will have a small shutoff valve behind and/or below it near the floor. Turn this oval or circular valve clockwise to cut off the water feeding the toilet.

Exterior Shutoffs

Know where any exterior faucet shutoff valves are located in your Portland, ME home, usually in the basement or crawlspace along the pipes leading outside. Shutting these down in winter prevents pipes freezing and bursting.

Appliance Shutoffs

Larger fixtures and appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, ice makers, and water heaters have separate shutoff valves along their supply lines too. You may need to access these appliance valves for repairs or replacement.

Water Meter Valve

Most municipal Portland Water District systems have a main shutoff at the exterior water meter housing as well. This master shutoff cuts all water from entering your property from the street.

Clearly label all your home's shut off valves and check them annually to ensure they operate smoothly in case of emergency need. Never hesitate to call the professionals at Woodville Plumbing and Heating at (207) 756-9725 if you cannot safely locate or operate your water shut off valves during an emergency water shutoff situation in Portland, ME. Our plumbers are available 24/7 to help!

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